Sustainable Investing
at Fiera Capital

We are a firm built for capital allocation excellence and we have the ambition and the determination to provide our clients with the most sophisticated solutions serving their ever-evolving needs.

As stewards of capital, we believe we have a responsibility towards our clients to efficiently allocate their capital, thoughtful of its impact on society. This belief forever guides our commitment to sustainable investing, which is core to our investment philosophy.

We firmly believe in making each team accountable for the integration of ESG considerations into their investment processes and that doing so will help deliver better investment outcomes to our clients and foster sustainable prosperity for all our stakeholders.

Sustainable investing remains central to every aspect of our business and we have spent the past year investing in more dedicated resources to support this commitment.

Sustainable Investing
at Fiera Capital

Fiera Capital stands firm in its commitment to navigate sustainability risks and opportunities, in the pursuit of fostering resilience and prosperity for both our clients and society at large.
Photo of Vincent Beaulieu

Vincent Beaulieu

Head of Sustainable Investing, Public Markets
Photo of Jessica Pilz

Jessica Pilz

Head of Sustainable Investing, Private Markets

Our Sustainable Investing Journey


Established Proxy Voting policy prior to the creation of Fiera Capital (previous firms)


Became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)


Became a member of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG)


Subscribe to MSCI ESG Manager and became a member of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA)


Updated Proxy Voting Policy and established Global RI Policy


Launched new Global Proxy Voting Policy and introduced Responsible Investment Spectrum


Updated Proxy Voting Policy and became a signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative


Became a signatory of Climate Action 100+


Became an official supporter of the TCFD


Became a UK Stewardship Code signatory


Became a member of Climate Engagement Canada (CEC)
Crowded place

In 2023, we worked proactively towards our sustainability goals

  • Became an official supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and published our first report in 2023.
  • Actively participated in engagement initiatives, including Climate Engagement Canada (CEC), which focuses on engagement with Canada’s corporate emitters of greenhouse gases.
  • Increased our initial commitment to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM), which brings together an international group of asset managers committed to playing an active role in battling climate change and working proactively towards the goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner. We committed a total of $20.14 billion (US$15.23 billion), as of December 31, 2023, representing 12.46% of our AUM at that time.
  • Participated in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) and received green star status for all participating real estate and infrastructure strategies in both Canada and the UK.
  • Became a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code. Signatories of the UK Stewardship Code are required to annually report on their stewardship policies, processes, activities and outcomes for a 12-month reporting period, setting a high stewardship standard.
  • Published articles focusing on sustainability topics, such as the “Investing for a Low Carbon World” paper written by the Global Equities team.

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